Form Submission is restrictedYour Weekly Fitness Report is successfully submitted. Thank you!Weekly Fitness ReportFirst Name*Last Name*Overall nutrition during the last 7 days INCLUDING WEEKENDS ( 1-Worst, 5-Middle, 10-Best )How many days have you done 45 minutes or more of activity this week?Overall stress level ( 0-No Stress, 5-Moderate Stress, 10-Extreme Stress )Average water intake over the past 7 days total oz. per dayAverage hours of sleep over the past 7 daysOverall effort towards reaching your health and fitness goals ( 0-Did Not Try At All, 5-Moderate Effort, 10-Did My Absolute Best )Did you and your coach discuss your nutrition and exercise plan (personal training sessions and homework workouts) for the next 7 days?Please selectPlease selectNutrition OnlyExercise OnlyExercise & NutritionNeither Exercise nor NutritionComments from any questions aboveDo you have any concerns, complaints or suggestions on how to improve our services at OC Fitness Coach? Submit