OC Fitness Coach will conduct a 4-week military-style boot camp to develop and challenge a total of 8 recruits’ physical, mental, and emotional stamina and establish/build rapport with like-minded individuals within the community. This training opportunity is designed to replicate an actual military training environment as much as practically possible with the hopes that, in so doing, recruits will enhance both their mental and physical “grit” or strength by getting out of the comfort of their day-to-day existence. In addition, recruits will build the equivalent of “esprit de corps” amongst their fellow team members. As such, recruits should also expect to be challenged psychologically as operating under duress enhances mental toughness, emotional intelligence, and true grit. Lastly, to aid in replicating the high standards to complete any military training evolution, the program will have strict participation guidelines with the potential for elimination should recruits fail to adhere to program requirements (see below for the “Three Strike Rule”). We have high standards for all recruits and expect a 100% graduation rate for all classes and training rotations.

*Business executives, military recruits, law enforcement + first responders, high school and college kids needing discipline.
*Individuals who are looking to dramatically improve their physical and mental strength.
*Individuals who are able to commit to a 4-week mission with mandatory attendance requirements.
*Individuals who are looking to improve their level of competitiveness and thrive through adversity.
*Individuals with thick skin who are NOT easily offended or sensitive.
*Individuals that have a team player mentality and are able to follow through and complete a mission.
*Individuals looking to build their leadership skills.

(1) All interested participants start by clicking here for our pre-camp survey.
(2) Upon review of your survey, each potential participant may receive an invite to a FREE pre-boot camp qualification test by either Coach Devan or Coach Dan prior to acceptance into the boot camp.
(3) Fill out our pre-camp waiver by clicking here.
(4) Pre-boot Camp Qualification Test : (Participants who fail to qualify for the boot camp during their fitness assessment will be encouraged to participate in a few weeks of 1-on-1 training in the hopes of reaching an appropriate level of fitness to enable participation in a future boot camp training rotation.)

***We encourage all recruits accepted into the camp to partake in physical training on their own prior to day 1.*** You can request pre-boot camp fitness training exercises to complete on your own following the qualification test, up until day 1.
1. SCHEDULE: All recruits will be REQUIRED to attend training Monday/Wednesday/Friday at 5:00 am sharp for a total of 4 weeks. DO NOT BE LATE.

2. DRESS CODE and EQUIPMENT: Recruits will be issued 2 PT shirts, 1 PT belt, 1 pig egg and 1 water bottle on Day 1. These items will be the standard uniform and equipment required for every session for the remainder of the course. If you are missing an item or out of uniform you will receive a strike.

3. THREE-STRIKE POLICY: Recruits will receive at least one strike for any of the violations listed below:


In order to graduate, recruits are expected to complete the program in it’s entirety, accruing no more than three strikes. Preferably zero strikes. If you’re interested in our fitness camp, but have upcoming commitments (business meetings, planned travel) which will lead to missed training sessions, contact us to discuss our OCFC Boot Camp Traveler’s Contingency Plan. Depending on each individual camp, we may require an exit fitness evaluation. In addition to your name on our OCFC Boot Camp Wall of fame, recognition on social media and a discounted rate on future personal training sessions, all graduates will receive the following at the conclusion of our camp: